Cheeseman Martial Arts – Hampton/Newport News, VA

How else could I make a recent relaxing getaway to Colonial Williamsburg, VA, known for its serene walkways through historic towns, ferries along the James River, and cozy pancake shops, uncomfortable better than by visiting a BJJ school? Well, I still enjoyed the strolls through history, ate an obscene amount of pancakes, and got in some good BJJ training at Cheeseman Martial Arts in Hampton/Newport News, Virginia. Cheeseman Martial Arts was just the right amount of discomfort needed to inject in my getaway to continue my growth in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and understand life’s not always so comfortable strolls.

Cheeseman Martial Arts is run by Rodney Cheeseman. Cheeseman is an old Marine Corps buddy of mine from 30+ years ago. His school offers classes in Karate and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, six days a week to kids and adults with discounts to military and 1st responders. Although Cheeseman works with many competitors, he emphasizes self-defense and 1st responder operations in his classes.
Rodney Cheeseman is a 7th Degree Karate Black Belt (coral belt) and Eight Time National Karate Champion with over 40+ years of experience and 20+ years as a military combative expert. I gave Cheeseman a call to check on his COVID protocols and school policies for guests. To my liking, he was hesitant to allow guests, as he did not want some guy coming into his school “looking for a fight” or coughing on everyone without vaccinations. However, once I assured him that I’m a hobbyist and too old to “fight club” my way through BJJ schools, and, after he remembered me (and my brother as we all served at the same USMC unit for a time) he was open arms. Semper Fi.

When I arrived Cheeseman was quick to welcome me as he was ending a kid’s BJJ class. I could see that Cheeseman still had the jokingly playfulness he had 30 years ago and was using it to make each of those kids in his class appear excited about his next instruction, yet comfortable being in a physically demanding environment involving combat orientation.
Right before the adult class started Cheeseman noticed the person accompanying me sitting in the waiting area and although that person had no BJJ experience, he invited them to join the class and even provided them with a gi.
Class began with a fast series of warm-up exercises. Cheeseman emphasized that his focus in BJJ was self-defense and the physical operations for a first-responder…made sense, he was an MP (military police…now you know why my brother/over-drinking buddy and I knew him). The class proceeded with his demonstration of standing and open guard attack simulations and the most sensible counters in self-defense and/or 1st responder situations. He made sure to make the differentiation between the two during instructions. I had a good roll with a blue belt student that spoke of his career movements in the Navy and his feeling most at home with BJJ at Cheeseman’s.
Cheeseman was fun and a watchful instructor as he moved through the dojo to critique and assess everyone on the class techniques as I heard laughter and gratitude follow him throughout the dojo as I was drilling. Equally, I appreciated his guiding perspectives to aid my technique and practice.

I found it most impressionable that the friend, that accompanied me, reported enjoying the class and the other students that were assisting them. They found Cheeseman personable and the class movements provided a good workout. However, they found the focus on self-defense and 1st responder operations highly valuable for the reason of legal consequences people should be aware of when protecting themselves, especially in a world where everyone’s actions can be easily recorded. My friend said they would have signed up for the BJJ class that night if they lived in the area. I would say that is a good indication of the place Cheeseman Martial Arts is to the stranger just walking in and to an old Marine friend and I would bet that if you are anywhere in between, you would be just as welcomed. Thanks, Cheeseman, I’m looking forward to visiting again…for the pancakes in Williamsburg and training with your school.