“Half Guard Trickery Course” BJJ Professor Kenny Brown – BJJ App Review
I first saw Kenny Brown compete at a tournament in Baltimore when he was still a purple belt. He was fighting the guy that would eventually become my professor, Songura Kini Cole. They had a good match and I was impressed with Kenny’s methodical approach to the whole fight. I could see there was a different approach by him to the match than most of the other guys at the competition hoping to medal, grab a crab cake (Baltimore has the best crab cakes in the US) and get out of the city before dark (Baltimore’s crime rate is not the best in the US).Well, I cam across Kenny several times afterward and watched his progression as a BJJ fighter through Facebook posts and during talks with other BJJ enthusiasts. I eventually had the opportunity to meet and rap with him about BJJ at a seminar and let me tell you, this guy eats “BJJ flakes” for breakfast. lunch and dinner as he’s really heavy into the Gentle Art. If you talk or roll with him and don’t learn something to consider about your BJJ game, then you weren’t paying attention or are simply a rock. So, when I saw Kenny was offering an E-course on BJJ, I jumped on it. Plus, the course focused on the half-guard, my favorite position…not because I’m good at it but more so because I often find myself in the position and have a significant degree of difficulty in managing it. Whenever, I’m in the half-guard, I either completely dominate my opponent or am utterly destroyed. I felt there must be something I was missing so I wanted to hear and see what Kenny had to offer.
So before I got into BJJ, I had another addiction issue, golf. G’damn that sport. I’m a strong athletic guy and have the coolest set of clubs and golf accessories a guy could imagine. I can lift my weight over my head and do pull-ups until the person that’s counting my reps gets tired, yet the oldest guys on the planet would whip my ass every Saturday morning on the golf course. All I had to do was hit that little white ball in a straight path 100-150 yards and all the muscles in the world wasn’t going to do it without precise technique and patience. Well, Kenny’s BJJ course is golf all over again minus the frustration and old men taking your money after the game is over. Kenny delves into the half guard position like I’ve never heard before. I watched the majority of the videos in one sitting and thought, “OMG, when I get back to the mats I’m going to be a half guard monster.” Not!! The next time I sparred, I got my face smashed over and over again. I thought to myself, “g’damn Kenny, my payment for your e-course cleared, why the hell am I not a beast yet?”
I went back to Kenny’s course and this time I just watched the first couple of lessons. I listened to Kenny and found that he was talking about the half guard on a level of precision that reminded me of golf. Kenny was describing not just the sequence of movements to his technique but also the most common mistakes and the reasoning for every little move made and what to avoid. His entire course is about the micro-techniques that can make or break your BJJ game.
Kenny is a BJJ technician and his course provides real insight to half guard mastery that I hadn’t experienced or considered before. I don’t think other BJJ instructors are unaware of the things Kenny is teaching but the time is rarely taken in classes to go over the subtle details that Kenny discusses with this course. This course is a great compliment to those that wish BJJ class was just a little longer.
This is not an e-course that will teach those slick “Hollywood moves” so you can hit the mats and totally ruin your sparring partners. This is a course that you will need to study and refer to many times over to perfect the techniques taught. You don’t have to become an expert to realize the benefits of this course as you will learn information that you can apply to your game immediately. But the more you watch and study it, you will fine-tune your positioning and feel the control and command of his teachings coming out in your game plan.
The great part of Kenny’s BJJ course is that it’s always evolving. Yes, you get a complete course when you order it but he is regularly adding new information and additional drills as his students encounter issues pertaining to their style or limitations. The course is fully online so you can access it wherever and whenever you want. Additionally, Kenny offers a forum for the course members to ask questions and add comments to tailor the course to address our specific needs. And he doesn’t just pen a reply to comments and questions, he gets on the mat to address his members’ inquiries so you are actually getting a BJJ Black Belt on your iPhone or laptop anytime and anywhere. The price is a bargain and you will be learning from a future legend of the game as Kenny is still improving and sharpening his skills in the Gentle Art.
Overall, this course is awesome and I highly recommend it to those looking to improve their half guard game and learn from a superior practitioner and student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Black Belt, Prof Kenny Brown of 2nd Gear BJJ Academy.